What does meth smell like burning
What does meth smell like burning

what does meth smell like burning

“I will have to try the taste of human," he chuckled. They had a bond that surpassed what many tended to believe. A laughter roared in her mind as the teddy bear mentally communicated with her. Then at the question of Tibbers her head snapped up to look once more at Jinx.

what does meth smell like burning what does meth smell like burning

Her green eyes glanced down her body to see she didn’t even have one. Guns latched on to the side and plenty of pockets covered the rest of it. The girl could see them better and caught the fact that they carried quite a lot for the woman. She was tall for being so slender and Annie just smiled warmly up at the woman before gaping at the colorful belts. “So what happens when you summon Tibbers?” She asked, head cocked to the side in curiosity, “Does he eat people?!?!” “I just think they’re awesome!” She exclaimed, answering the younger girl’s question, “And they’re really useful sometimes too! Like, for carrying stuff.” Indeed her belts held up quite a few things, including a large quantity of flame chompers as well as her primary weapons. There were a wide variety hanging from her body, from leather to kevlar, from ones with studs to ones that held bullets, and the all were in her trademark black, pink, and neon blue. Jinx stood proudly, putting her myriad of belts on display.

What does meth smell like burning